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John Halcyon Styn

Lifestyle Artist + Speaker + Coach

Who is...

John Halcyon Styn is a social media pioneer who has been storytelling online for over 20 years through videos, writing, and his weekly podcast, “Hug Nation.”  He is the author of “Love More. Fear less. Float more. Steer less” whose video stories have been viewed online over 40 million times. In addition to co-founding the Pink Heart Burning Man camp and running the homeless outreach organization “1st Saturdays,” he works with individuals and organizations to anchor their visions with gratitude, integrity and love.



Halcyon has a gift for weaving life lessons and laughter into riveting communal experiences that leave people moved and inspired. 

Existing Talks:

  • You are a Love Ambassador - how we are fully qualified RIGHT NOW to make the word a better place.

  • "Grandpa, Gratitude & Gifting" (TEDx)

  • “Service Without Sacrifice – Changing the world while having a blast.”

  • “Freak Flag Activism”


Once a month, for the last 12 years, Halcyon and the 1st Saturdays crew have visited downtown San Diego baring gifts.  They use donated clothes, care-packs and smiles as a tool to connect to brothers and sisters in need. 


Hug Nation

Since 2001, John has been broadcasting a weekly show over the Internet.  It is about self growth, life lessons, and recalibrating our hearts so we can remember who we truly are.  For three years, his Grandpa Caleb was the co-host.  And the weekly digital hugs continue in his honor. 

Replays are on
Live broadcasts happen on Facebook every Monday at 1pm Pacific.  

Burning Man

Halcyon has been participating at the world-changing Burning Man event for over 20 years.  He is the co-founder of Pink Heart and writes for the Burning Man Journal.  His collection of Burning Man Tips & Tricks is here. 

Halcyon is a Playa Apostle and Love Warrior. His experimental web projects have won multiple Webby awards while pushing "Digital Intimacy" across the net. You can find him spreading positive pink vibes during his weekly broadcast, "Hug Nation."

Wear your heart on your sleeve


Get exclusive content & stickers

The Hugmobile
"Human" documentary clip

40+ million views

Yes, that's Halcyon.
Gratitude, gifting and grandpa John Styn at TEDx
Willow Star

Gratitude, gifting and grandpa John Styn at TEDx

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Whachoo wanna say!? Send an email.

I can recieve mail at:

John Halcyon Styn
4616 Campus Ave. #1
San Diego, CA 92116

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© 2020-2023 John Halcyon Styn.

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